Monday, September 4, 2023

Story of abandoning own tool in favour of learning multiple projects and combining them

Adopting Debian Installer  (time scale)

In 2016 I started to formalize the way I want to replicate my debian installation on other PCs. I think I needed that once per year.

That is indicated by git commits of a repo with numbered scripts -- stages of installing debian & my expected packages & modifications, after booting with a usb flash drive.

Disk-partitioning was hard (shrinking Windows partitions), configuring apt also forever evolving.

Prior to that I would have just reattach the disks and copied the filesystem.

After 6 years, in 2022 (having used those tools about 10 times) I started to suspect I could spend my time better by learning & fixing a publicly developed tool.

And indeed in April 2023 I tried out the debian-installer (the "hd-media" option), with some pre-seeding.

Then I needed more than pre-seed & targeting unstable/SID: I wanted to understand all possible disk encryption setups, and using my additional apt repository (+ apt configuration).


So, I was using the build system in debian-installer (to build customizations) and decided to use a virtual PC (KVM-qemu) to quickly test the result.

I had to overcome bug 940801

I could test the partitioning with encryption on a virtual disk (10GB).

  • Started to wonder about having "udeb" packages in my reprepro.
  • Not really sure what is inside "mini.iso", maybe all is inside the initrd?

Setting up PXE

I wanted to also avoid using flash drives/sd-cards  -- using PXE seems more elegant. Also using netboot rather than hd-media seems a nice simplification.

But there's a catch: this requires modifying DHCP server (which I cannot do on my main modem/route), and I didn't want to set a separate dhcp just for this use-case (on a linux box, with the only connection to the booting PC).

Anyway, I started still with KVM -- a new "bridge" with dhcp pointing at local tftp.

I had to use signed grub to boot with secure-boot.

Going for physical PC

So I installed dd-wrt on another router/wifi access point, and detached from its "bridge" between all LAN connectors one connector which is then serviced by a new dhcp server, and advertises the necessary option for PXE boot.

First successful run

I included a custom udeb: I needed a modified "choose-mirror" to debug still flaky pre-seed configuration of the net interface.

Partitioning seems intuitive (once you want to use the same key for both Swap & Root fs).

Choose the minimal (ssh server, standard), and after the reboot  do still some manual copying, apt configuration, and finally install my  "top" virtual packages.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

логическая загадка

Есть 5 космических кораблей (из разных стран мира). У каждого есть номер (1-5), цвет, маскот и каждый привозит сувенир из Луны. Они не стартуют в своей стране но приземляются в ней.  Нам известны следующие факты: 


  1. Синий корабль стартует в Хирошиме (Япония)
  2. Русский корабль привезёт с Луны "флаг США" (как сувенир) 
  3. В Люнбурге (в каком же государстве ... дочитать до конца и узнаешь) стартует корабль номер 1. 
  4. Кошка путешествует в корабле с номером на 1 меньше чем номер золотого корабля. 
  5. Соловей является маскотом корабля, с номером на 1 больше чем у зелёного корабля. 
  6. Корабль со средним номером привозит "лунарный пыл" (как сувенир). 
  7. Улитка маскот корабля, который стартует на Байконуре (будем считать городом в России). 
  8. Корабль который стартовал на мысе Каневерале (США) привезет "старую лунарную камеру" (=сувенир). 
  9. Маскотом на красном корабле является жаба. 
  10. Зелённый корабль принадлежит Китае. 
  11. У Японии номер 2. 
  12. Серебристый корабль принадлежит Германии. 
  13. Корабль США стартует в Пекинге. 
  14. Германия привезёт в Люнбург с Луны "космическоя авто" и имеет номер на 1 меньше чем Россия. 


Вся эта информация хватит для того, чтобы ответить на следующие 2 вопроса:

  1. A. Который корабль имеет зебру как маскота? 
  2. B. Который корабль привезёт "женшину" как сувенир?

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

 Working on Proof-of-concept

Based on my git segments/sums, I can construct a 

poset of modifications (micro-features), and 

study them in isolation. For the whole-picture study I use (modified) xdot with an extension to handle "gitk://" actions, so I can open gitk (restricted to the segment history) by clicking on single nodes:

git-hierarchy contains the "git-graph -x" command to open such a graph.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Keeping up with debian Sid

My small build system

I need to replace some distro packages with my improvements.
For this I need to patch the sources -- I only handle git. I need to be notified, warned, when a new version is needed.

So I patched apt to report when a switch from my version to the upstream would happen (due to  "apt dist-upgrade").

In such a case I run my  git-rebase-origin which rebases my feature poset (of feature branches/segments mixed into "merges") over a refreshed remote branch.

Then I run my scripts to invoke gbp(1) with a suitable version string, and create the deb packages & put them in reprepro.

the sequence of commands to maintain apt itself:

$ cd ~/git/apt/
$ git-rebase-origin  

# this deduces the upstream -- base of my feature branches.

$ release
# this detects I'm building my extension of upstream debian package, so deduces the correct version, build, uploads, tags, pushes, installs.

When I only want to test some changes, I run 
$ snap
which creates a .deb package, installs it, withouth any reprepro etc.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Logický test

5 lodí, každá má číslo, barvu, maskota a suvenýr z Měsíce.
Nestartují ze své země, ale přistávají v ní.

1. Modrá loď startuje v Hirošimě
2. SSSR přiveze z Měsíce vlajku USA
3. v Lunburgu startuje loď s číslem 1.
4. Kočka cestuje v lodi s číslem o 1 menším než je číslo zlaté lodi.
5 Slavík je maskotem lodi, jejíž start. číslo je o 1 vyšší než číslo zelené lodi.
6 Loď s prostředním číslem veze zpět měsíční prach.
7 Hlemýžd je maskot lodi, jež startuje na Bajkonuru.
8 Stát, který odstartoval na mysu Caneveral, příveze zpět starou měsíční kameru.
9 Maskot v červené lodi je žába.
10 Zelená loď patří Číně.
11 Japonsko má startovní číslo 2.
12 Stříbrná loď patří NSR.
13 Loď USA startuje v Pekingu.
14 NSR přiveze do Lunburgu z měsíce kosmické auto a má startovní číslo o 1 nižší než SSSR.

Tyto infomace stačí k tomu, abychom zodpověděli dvě otázky:

A. Která loď má jako maskota zebru?
B. Která loď přiveze zpět z měsíce ženu?

Monday, May 29, 2017

Upgrading Nubia 7 mini

I recently bought this  phone on marktplaats, already upgraded to Mokee Android 7. I liked the features, my previous phone used Android 4.2.
So I bought another one for my wife, this time I had to make the upgrade myself. It was not straightforward:

The first nubia used as recovery  TWRP 3.0.2-0, the other is with clockwork-mod (v6.0.5.0).
  • I had to resize the big "grow" partition manually, i.e. merge it with "userdata".
  • suddenly I saw disconnections of Wifi, and that was due to the same MAC address of the 2 nubias.

MAC address

So I searched for a solution to tune the MAC address. I found the hint on Intf0MacAddress in WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini. But it did not work.
/data/misc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini  nor  /system/etc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
So I had a workaround to
echo 98:6c:f5:63:ec:d0 > /sys/devices/fb000000.qcom,wcnss-wlan/wcnss_mac_addr
while in airplane mode.
In the end I  found /persist/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini which indeed works, and overrides the other 2 files.

ANDROID_SERIAL to distinguish them?

To have them accessible via adb at the same time, I need to distinguish by this serial number, which is unfortunately identical. For now I overwrite the kernel cmdline in img_info with "androidboot.serialno=XXX"

Proximity sensor

After receiving some (whatsapp) calls, I noticed it was almost impossible to get the screen back on, as expected.

So, as a workaround I turned off  in Phone> Settings> Accessibility> Use proximity sensor.
But Whatsapp does not seem to have this option.

So I installed Sensors test and some app to "reset/calibrate" but to no effect.

So I started to look for the kernel driver, to fix a possible bug. There are confusingly multiple kernel sources on github:
Btw. failures of the other kernels can be seen thanks to android ram-console: after the failure, the phone reboots to recovery and 
adb shell cat /proc/last_kmsg
shows the problem.

In the end the problems is only the calibration, so 
 echo 500 > prox_threshold_low  
fixes the issue. To see this value, I did:
cd /sys/class/proximity/proximity/
echo 1 > prox_debug
and "dmesg -c" while running the sensor test app, to see:

[43580.286869] [SENSOR_ALS_PROX] [taos_prox_threshold_set: 2338] proxdata = 396
I guess it's stored in /persist/proxdata/threshold ?

Other issues

calendar/alarm database -- crash when entering the Alarm app:

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: Can't downgrade database from version 12 to 8

I removed the relevant file.

SystemUI crash due to wallpaper using too big image

java.lang.RuntimeException: Canvas: trying to draw too large(143769600bytes) bitmap.
AppCrashReceiver: stopped unexpectedly...

rm  /data/system/user/0/wallpaper_*

My improvements (divided into feature-segments)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Taming Android am command

In Android an intent can carry data of a certain mime type.
To test this feature, I had an App which sets up an IntentFilter, and then I would manually trigger it:

am broadcast -t text/xml -a my.action.START -d "file:///system/usr/share/mmc/settings.xml"

It did not work, so I had to read better about am options:

So I learned about FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION (I also saw it in the sources). So I added "-t 8" as option.
Then I saw that the type used during the matching was Null, so I verified the binder transaction code:reading from binder tx data and writing tx data Here the writing:

intent.writeToParcel(data, 0); // serializes the Intent
data.writeString(resolvedType); // separately adds the type

So the type has to be delivered separately, but am does not do it:

private void sendBroadcast() throws Exception {
Intent intent = makeIntent(UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);
IntentReceiver receiver = new IntentReceiver();
System.out.println("Broadcasting: " + intent);
// this is the fix null -> intent.getType()
mAm.broadcastIntent(null, intent, /* null */ intent.getType(), receiver, 0, null, null, mReceiverPermission,, true, false, mUserId);